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Your Engineering Design Notebook

Teams are required to complete the Engineering Design Notebook with a total of 3 entries. You will submit this word document in the final submission form with your final video submission by April 8. Teams who don’t submit their notebook entries will not qualify for judging or a teacher’s stipend. See the full notebook grading rubric of the contest guide! 

  • Notebook Entry #1: Complete during first month of your project.

  • Notebook Entry #2: Document your mid-project progress around mid-point.

  • Notebook Entry #3: Interview an expert or adult about your invention!

Click Here to Download the Engineering Design Notebook 


*Protip: Although you will submit all of your notebook entries at the end of the contest, please make an effort to complete these entries during the dates listed! This will help you keep track of your progress. It will also leave less work to do at the end of the contest, when your teams should be focusing on the final video.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to submit my engineering notebooks weekly, like in the past?

No, in the past notebooks were due every week but this year you will submit them with your video at the end of the contest on April 27. Although you will submit all of your notebook entries at the end of the contest, please make an effort to complete these entries throughout your project! They are meant to help you keep track of your progress and thinking critically throughout the process. It will also leave less work to do at the end of the contest, when your teams should be focusing on the final video.

Does the engineering design notebook need to be in the format provided in the Contest Guide/on this page?

Not exactly! The document is required to be a word file, include your team name & dates of entries, and answer most of the suggested questions to make 3 thorough entries. However, you may change the format of your notebook as you see fit to be able to present your data, research, and thoughts in an organized manner!

What type of file should my engineering notebook be?

We will accept .doc and .pdf files uploaded to the Judgify submission software.

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